About Us
The Barry-Eaton District Health Department (BEDHD) is the nationally-accredited public health service agency for Barry and Eaton counties. We protect and improve the health of Barry and Eaton counties through education; promotion of healthy lifestyles; and implementation of effective policies and programs for individuals, families, businesses, and communities. We provide a wide variety of services, from restaurant food safety inspections to the WIC nutrition program. BEDHD is governed by the Barry-Eaton Board of Health.
To protect and enhance health by promoting and providing innovative and community-based programs and initiatives.
A community where everyone has the opportunity to live a long, healthy, and active life.
Staff Directory
To contact a specific staff member, use the below contact information.
Can't find who you're looking for or not sure who to call? Contact us at 269-945-9516 (Barry County) or 517-543-2430 (Eaton County) and we will help you!
Leadership Team:
Colette Scrimger, Health Officer, 517-541-2602, 269-798-4112
Dr. Julie Kehdi, Medical Director, 517-541-2642
Jay VanStee, Environmental Health Director, 269-798-4159
Kali Nichols, Personal & Community Health Director, 517-541-2603
Milea Burgstahler, Planning and Promotion Director, 517-541-2644
Jodi Pessell, Environmental Health Supervisor, 269-798-4149
David Comeau, Environmental Health Supervisor, 269-798-4103
Jackie Anderson, Personal & Community Health Supervisor, 517-541-2625
Laurel McCamman, Personal & Community Health Supervisor, 517-541-2691
Lauren Metcalfe, Personal & Community Health Supervisor, 517-541-2624
Rebekah Condon, Public Health Operations Manager, 517-541-2694
Amber Palmatier, Environmental Health Specialist, 269-798-4138
Amy Sharrow, Environmental Health Data Specialist, 517-541-2639
Aurelia Hocquard, Epidemiologist, 517-541-2600
Beth Erin, Community Health Promotion Specialist, 517-541-2667
Carol Balkon, Environmental Health Specialist, 269-798-4106
Chris Chesla-Hughes, Data Specialist, 517-541-2652
Deb Fuller, Environmental Health Administrative Assistant/FOIA Coordinator, 517-541-2621
Emily Smale, Communications Specialist/PIO, 517-541-2669
Kalie Rolfe, Environmental Health Specialist, 517-541-2619
Kaylynne Miesen, Community Health Promotion Specialist, 517-541-2614
Lindsey Patterson, Community Health Promotion Specialist, 517-541-2606
Lynsy Romanowski, Environmental Health Specialist, 269-798-4138
Maddie Vervaeke, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, 517-541-2693
Matthew Hill, Environmental Health Specialist, 269-798-4108
Nick Homant, Environmental Health Specialist, 517-541-2629
Shane Adams, Environmental Health Specialist, 517-541-2672
Sydney Nicholl, Community Health Promotion Specialist, 517-541-2623
To contact Human Resources, please email humanresources@bedhd.org or call 517-541-2671.
Page last updated on 6/20/2024.