Free Hearing and Vision Screening
At Barry-Eaton District Health Department, we offer hearing and vision screening free of charge for infants through school-aged children.
Hearing and vision screening services are provided to students during the school year at area schools, preschools, and Head Starts. We also offer monthly clinics at each of our health department locations. Please call us to make an appointment.
Students are screened for vision before they enter kindergarten and when they are in 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th grades. Students are screened for hearing between the ages of 3 to 5 years old, in kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades.
The parents of students who do not pass the screening are notified and recommendations are made to follow up with an eye/ear professional or a family doctor.
For more information, call BEDHD:
Barry County: 269-945-9516
Eaton County: 517-541-2630
For more information on Michigan’s Hearing and Vision Screening Programs visit: MDHHS - Hearing Laughter, Seeing Smiles. (