Adult Immunizations

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Adult Immunizations

Our BEDHD Immunization Clinic offers vaccines for adults based upon recommendations of the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP). For adults, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); varicella (chicken pox); tetanus; whooping cough; shingles; HPV; pneumococcal; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; COVID-19; and Mpox vaccines are available.

Where to get vaccines: 

Ways To Pay:

Do You Have Commercial Insurance?

If you have commercial insurance, you will be expected to know the following: Are immunizations covered under your plan? Is BEDHD in your network? Do you have a deductible?

BEDHD will be happy to bill all accepted insurance plans, but any remaining balance that your insurance company does not cover, including unmet deductibles, will be your responsibility. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Adult Vaccine Program (AVP)

The Adult Vaccine Program (AVP) provides vaccines to persons 19 years and older who do not have health insurance, have a Medicaid spend down, or who have health insurance that does not cover any part of the vaccine cost.

Tdap · MMR · HPV · Shingles vaccine · PCV · PPSV23

These vaccines are available based on age and specific heath risk factors. A small administration fee may be charged for each AVP vaccination received. For more information and to schedule an appointment, please contact 269-945-9516 (Barry County) or 517-541-2630 (Eaton County).

Page last updated: 9/3/2024