Breast and Cervical Screening
At this time, we do not offer direct breast and cervical cancer screening, although, we do work with local doctors and specialists to coordinate screening tests and follow-up care as needed. Our preferred provider is the Michigan Breast and Cervical Cancer Control and Navigation Program (BCCCNP).
You may qualify for life-saving cancer screening services, including diagnostics (e.g., mammograms and Pap tests), follow-ups, and cancer treatment through the Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BCCCNP). If you have an abnormal mammogram or Pap test and your insurance doesn't completely pay for additional tests, we can help! BCCCNP can pay for your follow-up care or work with your insurance to help pay for the services you need.
You May Qualify if You…
- Are 40–64 years old, or
- Are 21–39 and referred to BCCCNP with an abnormal screening Pap test OR clinical breast exam that requires breast/cervical diagnostic services.
- Are a Michigan resident.
- Have no health insurance coverage, or
- Have health insurance that doesn't cover screening or diagnostic tests, or
- Cannot afford your deductible.
- Have a household income at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Call to see if you qualify or to set up an appointment:
Barry County: 616-632-7283 or 888-515-1300 ext. 7283
Eaton County: 517-887-4364 or 877-221-6505