Don’t Wait… Vaccinate! Immunize Your Child for a Healthy School Year

August 22, 2024

Immunizations are among the most effective tools we have to prevent serious diseases and their complications. Each August, the Barry-Eaton District Health Department (BEDHD) recognizes National Immunization Awareness Month—an ideal time to emphasize the importance of vaccines as children return to school and the cold and flu season approaches. By staying current with routine vaccinations, individuals can protect themselves, their families, and their communities from dangerous and potentially life-threatening diseases like measles, polio, influenza, and more.

TAKE ACTION this National Immunization Awareness Month by:

  • Staying up to Date on Vaccinations: Individuals should check their vaccination status to ensure their families are up-to-date on recommended vaccinations at:
  • Getting Vaccinated: Get Vaccinated by scheduling an appointment with a health care provider or with Barry-Eaton District Health Department by calling:
    • Barry County: 269-945-9516
    • Eaton County: 517-541-2630
  • Learning More: Learn more about vaccines and the serious diseases they prevent by visiting:

"Ensuring children are up to date on their immunizations is one of the most important steps families can take to protect their health as children head back to school. Vaccinations not only keep children and families safe from preventable diseases but also help safeguard the entire community.” Emphasized Colette Scrimger, Health Officer, Barry-Eaton District Health Department.

Community members can make informed decisions about their family's health by consulting with healthcare professionals, such as a primary care provider, pediatrician, or the Barry-Eaton District Health Department (BEDHD). These experts can help determine which vaccinations are needed and address any questions or concerns.

Visit the BEDHD website for more information about safe and effective vaccines here: